Lamb Stir-Fry with Rice

What do you call a dancing lamb? A baa-lerina!

If you are Nigerian just like me, I'm sure you get excited to eat anything other than rice and stew LOL. At least that is the case for me, blame it on stir fries. Growing up, I had this undying love for Sunday Rice and Stew (Fried tomato sauce with flavored condiments). For those who are not Nigerians I would explain in details. Sunday's in my family are a great deal only because my Mom is a pundit at preparing the most delicious Rice and Stew (excuse my bragging). That really had an effect on me and I didn't think anything was better than the duo hence, my search for new discovery. Thanks to China for originating a new style of serving Rice. I learned about this new method in 2008 and hit the ground running with it. I bet all Nigerians would concur, and non Nigerians would agree that it's always fulfilling to learn something new and apply lets get serious.

Lamb Stir-Fry with Rice.


  • One tablespoon of olive or vegetable oil
  • One medium onions finely chopped. (if preferred or in chunks)
  • 3 Cups of rice (Uncle Ben's)
  • Lamb blade
  • 1 Sprig of thyme and rosemary leaf
  • 1 Tablespoon of oregano and basil spice
  • 1 Tablespoon of paprika for reddening
  • 1 Stock cube (chicken or beef)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon of all purpose flour
  • 2 Habaneros or more if you love spicy food
  • 1 Red and Green bell pepper
  • Kikkoman Stir-Fry sauce
  • Parsley for garnishing.
  • Salt to taste.


  • Wash both hands properly
  • Wash the meat and prepare to cook
  • Finely cut the bell peppers, habanero and onions
  • Dissolve one Tbsp of flour in water.

  • Measure the quantity of condiments required as outlined above.

Directions: Cooking the Lamb blade

  • Rinse the meat and slice into medium chunks
  • Add water in a medium pot, bring to boil and add the meat. Add salt, stock cube,  onion,oregano, thyme, rosemary leaf or spice and cook for 30 - 40 mins. 
  • It should be well cooked once a fork or knife can pass through it seamlessly.
  • Pour into a clean shallow bowl and set aside.
Directions: Parboiled Rice.
  • Add 4 cups of  water in a medium pot. Bring to boil and add the rice. (some prefer to rinse the rice before parboiling but either way doesn't make much difference except you literally picked the rice from the farm). 
  • After cooking for 20 minutes, sieve using a colander and rinse with cold water to remove excess starch deposit.
  • Pour the rice back into the pot, add 2 cups of water , salt and cook for another 10mins on a medium-high heat until the water is dry
  • Modulate the heat to avoid burning the rice.
Note: Cooking time will differ with the type of rice used. Do not over stir to avoid sticky rice.

Directions: Stir-Fry.
  • Heat a large cooking pot over high heat and add 1 Tbsp oil. Once the oil is hot, add onions, bell pepper and fry until golden brown. 
  • Add the lamb and sautee for about 2- 3mins, and stir.
  • Add the condiments (paprika, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, stock cube) and salt. Stir and taste for seasoning. 
  • Add 3 Tbsp of Kikkoman stir-fry sauce and allow to cook for 2 mins.
  • Add the dissolved flour, stir and reduce the cooking temperature to low heat.
  • Watch closely to avoid burning your delicious stir fry and after 2-3 mins it should be ready. 
  • Serve over a plate of rice.
Serving:Lamb Stir-Fry with Rice
  • Scoop the rice with a serving spoon into a clean bowl, dish the stir fry and place on top of the rice or by the corner.
  • Garnish the rice with shreds of parsley.
  • Serve with a glass of water or your favorite drink/juice.

Enjoy your meal with your favorite drink!

Thank you for visiting the blog today!!! I am here to solve all your food conundrums! I want you to know that you are so SPECIAL to me. One more thing, Don't forget to check back for more innovative food ideas coming your way every Friday!

Leave a comment if I impressed you with this one :). THANK YOU!

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Food quotes: One cannot think well, sleep well, love well if one has not dined well.
                                                                                                                                      Virginia Woolf


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