Shrimp Coconut Rice

Why don't coconuts have money? Because people milk them dry. Hahaha.

If you ever think of a summer main dish to serve on a sunny afternoon, coconut rice would definitely play the role perfectly. This is certainly because it is tied to the tropics which only depicts a SUNNY ambience so why not? Have you ever pictured a "coconutty" coconut rice? I wonder if there's something as such but hey you get introduced to all the food jargon right here.

A "coconutty" coconut rice is one which contains all the primary and secondary sources of coconut - and that would be coconut cream, coconut water, coconut shreds, coconut oil etc. For this particular recipe, I only used coconut water, shreds and cream of coconut. The coconut oil would come in handy when trying to replace vegetable oil but in this case I didn't think about it early enough. One smart tip I discovered prior to preparing this meal is not to use the regular coconut milk. This barely underlines the coconut taste but rather makes it creamy and kinda soggy. The delicious alternative to that would be the cream of coconut which would be shown below. Sit tight, grab your pen and paper and let get it rolling. 

Shrimp Coconut Rice:

  • 1/4 Cup of olive oil
  • Garlic and parsley powder
  • One medium onions finely chopped
  • Coconut (main source for coconut water and shreds).
  • One tin of cream of coconut
  • Half-sized red and green bell pepper
  • 1- 2 Habaneros
  • One stock cube
  • 1 Sprig of Rosemary and Thyme leaves
  • 1 Tablespoon of Oregano
  • 1 Tablespoon of Red Chilli
  • Coconut water (measured according to the number of coconuts and rice used).
  • Coconut shred (shred the coconut using a zester).
  • 3 Cups of rice (Uncle Ben's).
  • One cup of parboiled shrimps
  • Shredded carrots. 

Most essential ingredients


  • Wash both hands properly.
  • Finely cut the bell peppers, habanero and onions.

  • Measure the quantity of condiments required. 
  • Break open the coconut with a kitchen hammer and pour the water into a clean bowl.

  • Using a knife, scoop out some part of the coconut and shred using a zester (Be careful not to cut yourself).

  • Parboil the shrimps for 10mins and peel off the scale if needed. 

Directions: Parboiled Rice.

  • Add 4 cups of  water in a medium pot. Bring to boil and add the rice. (some prefer to rinse the rice before parboiling but either way doesn't make much difference except you literally picked the rice from the farm). After cooking for 25 minutes, sieve using a colander and rinse with cold water to remove excess starch deposit then set aside. 

Directions: Shrimp Coconut Rice

  • Place a medium saucepan on medium heat and add 1 tbsp of olive or vegetable oil. Add the onion, chopped bell pepper, habanero, rosemary, thyme. bring to simmer and stir. 

  • Add coconut water, shrimps, stock cube and allow to boil over low heat. I decided not to fry the shrimp because I do not want it dehydrated (dried out).

  • Add the cream of coconut and bring to simmer. Taste for seasoning. 

  • Pour the parboiled rice into the sauce, cover the pot ensuring it is airtight and cook for 20 mins over a medium heat. The designated time is contingent upon the texture of parboiled rice. If you feel it is still hard then you can increase the cooking time with an additional 10 -15 minutes. 
  • Add the shredded carrots and stir slowly reaching the sides of the pot.
  • Taste for seasoning and allow to cool before serving. 
Serving: Shrimp Coconut Rice.
  • Scoop the rice with a serving spoon into a clean bowl and garnish with coconut shreds.
  • Serve with a glass of water or your favorite drink/juice.

The second style of serving is done using a coconut bowl. Scoop the rice into the bowl and garnish with coconut shreds. 

Enjoy your meal with your favorite drink!

Thank you for visiting the blog today!!! I am here to solve all your food conundrums! I want you to know that you are so SPECIAL to me. One more thing, Don't forget to check back for more innovative food ideas coming your way every Friday!

Leave a comment if I impressed you with this one :). THANK YOU!

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