Fruity Egg salad..

"Why did the tomato blush? Because he saw the salad dressing" :)

It's summer and I want to take you all on a journey with me!!! We all want to eat and not feel stuffed don't we? I guessed right. I am vehemently in love with this season as it connotes color and health in the kitchen. When I speak of color in the kitchen I literally mean red, blue, yellow etc on a plate. Imagine sitting by the beach on a sunny day and having your fruity bowl of salad similar to the rainbow by your side, I bet you'd feel like you are part of the celestial sphere (moon, star, etc).  It is my pleasure to introduce you to my plate of Fruity Egg Salad. 

Fruity Egg Salad

Ingredients: for salad 
  • 3 -5 ripe strawberries
  • Half red apple
  • 1 cup of shredded carrots
  • half cup of green bean
  • Half bag of spinach and Romaine hearts (center piece of romaine lettuce)
  • 2 boiled eggs
  • 2 Tablespoons of mayonnaise 
  • 2 Tablespoons of honey
  • 1 Tablespoon of olive oil

Sliced Red Apple

Note: You can decide to switch up the fruits I used if you happen not like any of them. For instant, strawberries can be replaced with blue or blackberries, grapes for seedless cherries etc.

Directions: Salad
  • Place the clean serving bowl on the preparation table.
  • Using your hand, cut the romaine hearts into medium pieces and pour into the bowl.
  • Add shredded carrots.
  • Slice the red apple and strawberries in a circular shape and add to the salad following any form of your choice. I created a circle around the vegetable just because I am so big on presentation but feel free to just toss them in there.
  • Place the sliced eggs around the edges of the bowl or anywhere you wish and your rainbow would take shape!!!
  • Every sky needs a rainbow :)

Direction: dressing
  • In a clean plunge bowl, add 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 1/3 cup of honey, pinch of salt and pepper to taste (optional). Combine these ingredients and mix.
    • The quantity of your salad determines the measurements of the dressing ingredients.

  • Serve with water or any drink of your choice.
  • Bon Appetit!

"Nutritional highlights. Strawberries are an excellent source of vitamins C and K as well as providing a good dose of fibre, folic acid, manganese and potassium. They also contain significant amounts of phytonutrients and flavanoids which makes strawberries bright red". Retrieved from


Thank you for visiting the blog today!!! I am here to solve all your food conundrums! I want you to know that you are so SPECIAL to me. One more thing, Don't forget to check back for more innovative food ideas coming your way.

Leave a comment if I impressed you with this one :). THANK YOU!

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