
Showing posts from July, 2017

French Toast

What's the difference between Frenchmen and toast? You can make soldiers out of toast.  Whats better on a Saturday than a French Toast? Absolutely nothing except a Toast garnished with bananas and strawberries. There are many variations to this simple recipe depending on the type of break you prefer and your favorite fruits. For this recipe I used whole wheat bread which could be replaced using white bread, cinnamon raisin, rye or potato white bread. This is a quick breakfast or brunch idea that is so filling and healthy too. Peanut butter base has always been a perfect idea until it was replaced by avocado. You'd question this choice if you are not avocado friendly and that's alright. Hopefully someone reaches out to me after reading this post because it's worth the curiosity. Let us see what this is all about...... French Toast. Ingredients  Whole wheat bread or any kind of bread 7-8 Strawberries  2 Bananas One  Ripe avocado 2 Tablespo

Fruyo - Fruity Yogurt

Can’t elope → Cantaloupe :“I’d run away and marry you, but I  cantaloupe  – my parents would never forgive me  Guess what I am bringing to you all today? Fruyo!!! I don't mean Froyo, I said Fruyo :) Being experimental is a hobby so you can imagine how I enjoy thinking of innovative ideas in the kitchen just to please you. If you are familiar with the platitude "laziness is the mother of all inventions", then you'd truly understand the concept behind this dessert. Do you ever feel like your stomach is full and your mouth is hungry? If you nodded or smiled at that question, I am definitely standing with you on that. I felt really full but I needed something a bit light to munch on because I was in my craving mood.Nothing would have been more satisfying than a FRUYO (Fruits and Yogurt). ...How delicious can you imaginations be? Fruyo - Fruity Yogurt: Ingredients: Half cup of already cut watermelon, pineapple, red apple, and cantaloupe. Mixing Yo

Shrimp Coconut Rice

Why don't coconuts have money? Because people milk them dry. Hahaha. If you ever think of a summer main dish to serve on a sunny afternoon, coconut rice would definitely play the role perfectly. This is certainly because it is tied to the tropics which only depicts a SUNNY ambience so why not? Have you ever pictured a "coconutty" coconut rice? I wonder if there's something as such but hey you get introduced to all the food jargon right here. A "coconutty" coconut rice is one which contains all the primary and secondary sources of coconut - and that would be coconut cream, coconut water, coconut shreds, coconut oil etc. For this particular recipe, I only used coconut water, shreds and cream of coconut. The coconut oil would come in handy when trying to replace vegetable oil but in this case I didn't think about it early enough. One smart tip I discovered prior to preparing this meal is not to use the regular coconut milk. This barely underlines th

Chicken Fettuccini Alfredo

What do Italians eat on halloween? Fetuccini A-fraid-o  A pasta lover who doesn't like Alfredo is really not a pasta lover! That used to be my situation back in college but I was liberated today. I figured that when people can't serve the meal you want and how you want it, that becomes an apt time to prepare it yourself. No one can please you as much as you do. I have had conversations with dialogues like -  Friend: Do you prefer Bolognese to Alfredo? Me: Bolognese because I haven't had Alfredo. Friend: Are you really a Chef? Me: Alfredo's doesn't determine that.  I decided that would be the last time Alfredo would sound foreign to me hence this post. The most amazing part of it was how delicious it tasted as affirmed by my jazzy friend Simi who dined with me at my apartment's roof top (Yes I do the most). I had to go an extra inch to relish this meal because it was worth the wait! If you were in my shoes or still is, I guarantee this recipe would enthr